
Which is better: a peel or microdermabrasion?

Both shed dull, dead skin cells, revealing a more glowy complexion. But the former does so with liquid exfoliants such as glycolic acid, and the latter uses gritty materials such as small crystals, says Marsha Gordon, M.D., a dermatologist in NYC. Professional versions of each (about $200 per session) provide speedier results than do-it-yourself kits. But the time difference is so small—only about a month—you may want to opt for the cheaper (as low as $8), no-appointment-necessary option. In that case, try at-home microdermabrasion. "Peel strengths vary from product to product, making it easier to overexfoliate," Dr. Gordon says. Microdermabrasion textures are pretty consistent across the board. Use twice a week for two months to see prolike results.



According to a number of studies, the addictive beverage doesn't just give you a burst of energy — it might also protect your skin. Research has shown that caffeine, an antioxidant, destroys sun-damaged skin cells before they turn cancerous on cultured human skin cells.


Help damage caused by acne.

What's worse than a zinger of a pimple? The spot or indentation it leaves behind.  That's why retinoids are great for acne—they slough off the damage and boost collagen to fill scars. Salicylic or glycolic acid creams and lighteners such as hydroquinone can help remove dark spots; for deeper scars.


Maybe you don't even need foundation

Mixing an illuminizer and a skin moisturizer is a great way to get a glowing complexion without all the precison of color matching. Perhaps your skin is pretty good and you don't want to worry about your neck and face matching blah, blah, blah. 

You may want to try blending in a bit of luminizer in your moisturizer. This look helps to give you a natural dewy base and can with tinted moisturizers act a sheer cover for any slight imperfections you may want to conceal. 

 Just be sure to go a little lighter in the T-zone area when applying; oil production is heaviest there and highlighter can make your forehead, nose, and chin look shiny instead of glowy. 


Black tea

Need an pick-me-up? Try black tea, which cuts blood pressure:




“As we progress into our forties, fifties, and beyond, our skin cells turn over less frequently, causing a duller appearance,” says Longwill. That’s where pumpkin can help. It contains an enzyme that gently peels away dead skin, speeding the production of new cells. In addition, pumpkin is rich in essential fatty acids, which hydrate the skin, and the antioxidant vitamins A and C, which fight free radicals that can age skin. Look for pumpkin products in facial and body peels and in treatments for the hair and scalp.